
The university faculty are responsible for teaching, research or other scholarly activity appropriate to the discipline, and public service.

FP&P, Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Faculty at MHB

Pablo F. Gómez

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: pgomez@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-3414

Room 1419, Medical Sciences Center

J. Paul Kelleher

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: paul.kelleher@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-8561

Room 1432, Medical Sciences Center

Richard C. Keller

Position title: Robert Turell Professor and Chair

Email: rckeller@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-7378

Room 1423, Medical Sciences Center

Karola V. Kreitmair

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: kreitmair@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-3701

Room 1430, Medical Sciences Center

Dana P. Landress

Position title: Assistant Professor

Email: landress@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-6430

Room 1411, Medical Sciences Center

Susan E. Lederer

Position title: Ronald L. Numbers Professor of Medical History and Bioethics

Email: selederer@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-4195

Room 1420, Medical Sciences Center

Gregg Mitman

Position title: Vilas Research and William Coleman Professor of History of Science, Medical History, and Environmental Studies

Email: gmitman@med.wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-9140

Room 1415, Medical Science Center

Nicole C. Nelson

Position title: Associate Professor

Email: nicole.nelson@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 265-3525

Room 1426, Medical Sciences Center

Pilar N. Ossorio

Position title: Professor of Law and Bioethics

Email: pnossorio@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-4387

Room 9103, Law School

Alan Rubel

Position title: Associate Professor; Advisor Dual Degree Program With Law

Email: arubel@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-2900

4259 Helen C. White Hall

Krishanu Saha

Position title: Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Bioethics

Email: ksaha@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 316-4313

Room 4168, Wisconsin Institutes For Discovery

Margaret 'Gretchen' Schwarze

Position title: Professor, Endowed Professor, Morgridge Professorship in Vascular Surgery

Email: schwarze@surgery.wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 265-4420

600 Highland Ave, Madison, WI 53792-3284

Robert Streiffer

Position title: Professor, Bioethics and Philosophy

Email: rstreiffer@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-7490

Room 1142, Medical Sciences Center

Affiliated Faculty at MHB

Robert D. Miller

Position title: Honorary Fellow

Email: rdm_wisconsin@yahoo.com

Phone: (608) 278-7692

Lucas Richert

Position title: Associate Professor, George Urdang Chair in the History of Pharmacy; Historical Director for the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, which is based in the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy

Email: lucas.richert@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 890-3676

Room 2513, Rennebohm Hall

Andrew Ruis

Position title: Researcher, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, and Fellow, Department of Surgery

Email: arruis@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-1208

Room 489, Educational Sciences Building

Eben Schwartz

Position title: Assistant Professor, Neuropsychology

Phone: 608-263-5430

600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792-3284

Carrie Thiessen

Position title: Assistant Professor, Surgery/Transplant

600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792-3284

Emeritus Faculty at MHB

Thomas H. Broman

Position title: Professor Emeritus, History Department

Email: thbroman@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 263-1641

Room 5214, Mosse Humanities Building

Norman Fost

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics and Bioethics

Email: ncfost@pediatrics.wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-1460

Daniel M. Hausman

Email: dhausman@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 354-6120

Now also Research Professor
Center for Population-Level Bioethics
Rutgers University

Linda F. Hogle

Position title: Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Emerita

Email: lfhogle@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 262-1460

Room 1440, Medical Sciences Center

Judith W. Leavitt

Position title: Rupple Bascom and Ruth Bleier Professor Emerita

Email: jwleavit@wisc.edu

Room 1410, Medical Sciences Center

Ronald L. Numbers

Position title: Hilldale Professor of the History of Science and Medicine Emeritus

Email: rnumbers@wisc.edu

Daniel Wikler

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Ethics and Population Health

Email: wikler@hsph.harvard.edu

Phone: (617) 432-2365